Hellboy 3

Friday, December 17, 2010 ·

Director Guillermo del Toro is busy for now with the Hobbit but he still intends to make a Hellboy 3 movie:

More information at: Hellboy 3 Movie Trailer

“Don’t tell my family, but I would love to do Hellboy 3 consecutive to the Hobbit. The first movie was 2004, the second movie is 2008 so if the third movie is 2012, 2013, it’s not that far off.”
Guilermo del Toro
And from what he said to SciFi, Hellboy 3 would be the last for him:

“If there was ever a third one, I would really make sure that we at least sign a contract that there is no more. No prequels and no sequels: nothing. If that happens, then there is a third one we have planned, and the seeds are planted in this film.”
Guilermo del Toro
Then if the movie Hellboy 3 is going to be the last one of the series, I hope that it will be about the final apocalypse that Hellboy is supposed to bring upon us hence fulfilling the dark prophecy of the second movie.


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